Welcome Educators & Parents!

“Innovation: Imagine the future & fill in the gaps.”

Brian Halligan

FREE Online Video Course designed to familiarise educators & parents with the latest trends in education around the world.

Can be used in any country and applied to any syllabus.

Curated by an ex-teacher, now Futurized Educational Consultant, Natalie J Whyte.

INTRODUCTION: Shifts in Educational Paradigm:

  • Culture
  • Technology
  • Learners
  • Teachers

A-Z Global Education Trends:

  1. Activated Classroom
  2. Activity-Based Learning
  3. Adaptive Learning
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Education***
  5. Augmented Reality
  6. Blended Learning
  7. Brain-Based Learning
  8. Challenge-Based Learning
  9. Collaborative & Cooperative Learning
  10. Competency-Based Learning
  11. Connected Learning
  12. CORT Thinking
  13. Data-driven instruction***
  14. Differentiated Learning
  15. Digital Citizenship/Literacy
  16. Divergent Thinking
  17. eLearning
  18. Experiential learning
  19. Flipped Classroom
  20. Game-Based Learning
  21. Gamification
  22. Genius Hour
  23. Geocaching
  24. Growth Mindset
  25. Home Schooling
  26. Hybrid Pedagogy***
  27. Learning Styles
  28. Life-Long Learning
  29. Maker Learning
  30. Mastery-Based Learning
  31. Mentoring
  32. Microlearning***
  33. Mindfulness and Well-being***
  34. Mobile Learning
  35. Multiple Intelligences
  36. Open Educational Resources***
  37. Outdoor and nature-based learning***
  38. Peer Instruction
  39. Personalized Learning
  40. Place-Based Education
  41. Place-Based Entrepreneurship Education***
  42. Play-Based Learning
  43. Project-Based Learning
  44. Robotics & Coding
  45. Rubric-Based Learning
  46. Scenario-Based Learning
  47. Self-directed Education
  48. Simulation-based Learning
  49. Skills for the 21st century
  50. Social Justice Education***
  51. Social-Emotional Learning
  52. Student-centred assessment
  53. Synchronous Learning
  54. Teaching Empathy
  55. Team-Based Learning
  56. Team-Building For Learning
  57. Transdisciplinary Education***
  58. Universal design for learning***
  59. Unschooling
  60. Virtual Reality
  61. Wild Schooling
  62. World Schooling

*** RECENT UPDATES- Videos coming soon!

From the Course Curator

About the Course Curator: Natalie J. Whyte